Only a lender or lending partner can provide you with information on their rates and terms. This typically occurs shortly after your loan request is complete, and you are connected with a lender or lending partner. does not make credit decisions or determine rates and terms. Remember, you are under no obligation to accept the loan offer if the terms are not satisfactory for any reason.
Repayment on personal loans is generally performed either monthly or bi-weekly, depending on your preferences or your lender's or lending partner’s terms. You may be able to have funds withdrawn automatically from your bank account on the agreed-upon date. Be sure to read and fully understand all policies regarding repayment and what you will need to do as a borrower. Your loan cannot be conditioned upon repayment by electronic funds transfer or automatic withdrawal. Consult your lender or lending partner for more details.
The cost of a personal loan varies based on factors related to the requester, the state of residence the requester lives in, the lender or lending partner, and the repayment terms. Other factors include the loan amount, the loan period, and the specific interest rates used. Your credit score may also be taken into consideration.
While specific terms of personal loans will vary depending on your state, lender or lending partner, and your specific circumstances, below is a general range of common terms:
Loan Amount | Period | APR | Monthly Payments | Total Paid |
$2000 | 12 mo | 24% | $189.12 | $2,269.43 |
$4000 | 24 mo | 12% | $188.29 | $4,519.05 |
$6000 | 36 mo | 12% | $199.29 | $7,174.29 |